Does Your Hamptons Hound Need A Play Date?


Nanette  Cunningham loves dogs.

Dogs love to play.

Dogs love to play with Nanette Cunningham.

When Nanette began casually organizing play time with her friends’ dogs a few years ago, she quickly saw that a structured doggy play group could become her full-time job.  Now, Nannette runs her posh doggy play group out of her East Hampton home, complete with a hush-hush celeb clientele!

Before permanently moving to the Hamptons, Nanette was a freelance television producer who worked with big companies like NBC, CBS, MTV Networks, and Comedy Central, but, she won’t be going back to her old life living in downtown Manhattan, “This is my second life and it doesn’t get much better than being in the Hamptons and being free,” she mused.

For Nanette, spending all day with dogs on the beach is a dream.  Her perfect day would be “Just absolute, abundant sunshine, without too much wind at any beach, or even in my own backyard,” which might just be every summer day for this lucky, life-loving lady.

Play groups likes Nanette’s are very important for dog socialization. “the pack dynamic keep animals happy, keeps them fit, and trainers often refer me because it makes their job easier, especially for young puppies,” Nanette explained.

Her dog days are spent on different beaches (depending on the weather). Activities include: swimming, catching tennis balls, eating MilkBone treats, long runs, and a nap in the shade.

*Nanette cares for 5-6 dogs in 3 hour slots every day of the week ($30/ 3 hour slot/per dog). Contact 917-742-0253 for more info. WOOF!! WOOF!!