Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Today Only A Heart-Shaped Donut Will Do! KDH Reviews Cupid's Choice At Dunkin' Donuts... Guilt Free!

Hey hungry Hamptonites~ Have you been lured into the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts by these heart-shaped delights? KDH is guilty as charged! After seeing the decadent DD Valentine’s Day commercial during the Today Show this morning I put Matt on pause, jumped in my car, and picked up a box of the chocolate and pink, heart-covered, Bavarian Kreme-filled, strawberry-glazed confections that could sabotage the L in my Little Black Dress on Valentine’s Day.
Here are my food findings:
The chocolate-covered hearts tasted the best but the pink hearts win for cuteness.
Calorie count for Cupid’s Choice (yes, I had to go there) – 400 guilt-free calories!