NEW KDHamptons Diary: CBS News Anchor Chris Wragge Nests in Bridgehampton!



Chris Wragge (photo by Cate Scaglione)



When he’s not busy co-anchoring New York’s CBS News from 4:30-7am, you will find handsome Chris Wragge [above] hanging out at his gorgeous new Bridgehampton home~ oh, and running triathlons, spinning, cheering for the Giants, feasting on pasta at Tutto in Sag, or lending a hand to the many charitable causes he supports!


Doc & I met Chris last summer, and he quickly became one of our favorite new Hamptons friends, which is probably what everyone says who knows him! Chris shares, “There’s nothing better than being at the beach in Bridgehampton. From April to November my feet are in this sand!” Curious to know how Chris is spending his first East End off-season between NYC and his haute Hamptons home? Check out his exclusive KDHamptons Diary below:



KDH was so impressed with the beach chic way Chris decorated his new Bridgehampton home~ sans decorator!



Chris shares, “Who can FULLY enjoy a weekend in the Hamptons without a little SoulCycle to start the day? I’m counting the days till “The Barn” opens its doors in Bridgehampton. Until then—I let the world famous Laurie Cole [below] abuse me weekly!



Cycling for the Soul with Laurie Cole



Ohh yes, my day job is such a drag….I kid, I kid!! Whether it’s anchoring in the morning or evening, you need to embrace your inner-child on occasion. Put a plate of donuts in front of me and it’s game on! During this b’cast of “Live on the Couch” 7-9am on WLNY, as a group we decided to take a bite out these combo donut/cakes [below]: A lethal mix of guilt, pleasure and calories!



Guilty pleasures on the set!


As much as I hate it when Summer comes to an end, I do look forward to my FIRST love.. the NY Giants! I grew up in Rutherford, NJ and my family and I have been season ticket holders since the original GIANTS STADIUM opened in 1976. If I had to choose between rent and my Giants seats? Well then I would be out on the streets. The biggest challenge for the 8 home games are which friends make the cut to join me! LOL



Season ticket super fan!



It was a tremendous honor and bigger surprise to see the cover story RESIDENT magazine printed [below]!




A number of my nights are occupied helping some of the many non-profits I’ve been aligned with over the years: First and foremost, the National Down Syndrome Society. I’ve made some amazing friends over my six year involvement, and yes, that IS Chris Burke [below] from the ABC hit series “Life Goes On.”



Chris shares, "Here's a shot from this year's annual black tie gala at Cipriani 42nd street with Chris Burke."



Ever since late October, my attention has been zeroed in on the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and the aftermath. For all major weather events from Hurricane Irene, to Sandy, to the pop up Blizzard, I am behind the wheel of Mobile2 [below]. By far, we have the greatest technology on TV when Mother Nature is raging at her worst. Seeing the coastline disintegrate right before my eyes is an image I will never forget. I grew up on the Jersey Shore and sadly it will never be the same.



Intrepid newsman Wragge mans the wheel of Mobile2


Watching Sandy coming ashore in Spring Lake, New Jersey [below]…



The devastaed Spring Lake, New Jersey boardwalk the morning after Sandy [below].



More destruction near Coney Island….




When it comes to dining out in the Hamptons, my favorite spot is Tuttu Il Giorno. No matter what the season! I come out to my house every week in the colder months and you can’t stop me from dropping in to order up their delicious Rigatoni— a portion and a half! After dinner, I always spend a few minutes chatting with Maurizio or Fabrice behind the bar. #THEBEST





Here’s a familiar sight all winter at my house in Bridgehampton [below]… Light that fire and let it burn!



Can you believe Chris decorated this chic Hamptons living room by himself?



Each December, after a long fall, my entire Hamptons crew, all jonesing for some sun and R&R, head south to ART BASEL. We get plenty of sun, but R&R? Not so much. It is one of the best weeks each year, a steady diet of great weather, friends and some of the most talented artists in the world. Important to keep a jam packed social calendar when present…..√CHECK



Art Basel party time with friends in Miami.



The Holiday season just wouldn’t be the same without my “Horrible Holiday Sweater” party [below]. I open my Upper West Side apartment to about 25 of my closest friends with the most questionable taste :). From catered food, to a secret Santa, to fabrics soo bad we needed to keep some guests at least 6 feet from the fireplace— what a great night!



Holiday Fashion Don’ts!



Like I have always said, weeks are great for working, but the weekends are great for lending a helping hand. This shot [below] was taken at the annual DRI, Diabetes Research Institute “Carnival for a Cure” which I host in lower Manhattan each year. It is a wonderfully organized day of games, music and face painting for kids and their families.



The Carnival for a Cure event took place on March 10th. Learn more at:



And finally….The drive home from Bridgehampton to Manhattan is tough, no matter what day it is. But scenes like this will bring me back time and time again. It’s been one of the best years of my life, and I have the people and places of the Hamptons to thank for it for welcoming me with open arms. See you at the beach!





*You can watch me on CBS, Channel 2, Monday-Friday mornings: 4:30am-7am, or at Noon, 6pm, 9pm on WLNY, take your pick! Like the tides, it all changes.


[You can also follow Chirs on facebook or twitter @ChrisWragge]