KDHamptons Wellness: Shannon Coppola Builds First Healing Salt Cave In Montauk
“My husband Pete [below] and I recently built the first salt cave in Montauk,” excitedly shares Shannon Coppola. “The room is constructed with wall to wall with pink Himalayan salt from Pakistan. The ground floor is also covered in salt, and a salt generator pumps in dry aerosol salt as well.” Wondering why we may need a salt room at home? Shannon adds, “The salt is anti- inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti- fungal, anti viral and anti- microbial. Therefore the healing agents are huge!” The entrepreneurial Montauk mom distills the benefits of this uncommon addition to a Hamptons home, below.
KDHamptons: What inspired you to build the salt cave?
Shannon Coppola: Our son Oliver [below] was our inspiration. He had a chronic cough since he was born and suffered from really bad reflux. We treated him for asthma, to no avail. Then we learned that his adenoid was blocking 90% of his airway and we had it removed. The surgery was performed in the month of June before he turned three. Oliver turned three in July and was cough-free for the month, but still did not sleep. August rolled around and the cough returned. After having him allergy tested we learned that he was allergic to all environmental elements and realized that when the golden rod blooms it would debilitate him. We tried more inhalers and nasal sprays, nothing really worked. We learned of salt therapy and there happened to be a salt room in Clifton, New Jersey-where I grew up. We took him on December 13th, and he slept through the night for the first time at 4.5 years old. His cough went away. We did our research and found Dr. Margaret Smiechowski– the foremost leading expert in building salt caves. She came to Montauk on July 9th and we built our own salt cave.

KDHamptons: How did you bring in the salt from Pakistan?
Shannon: There is a distributor in Montague, New Jersey. Steve Khulna of Himalayan Salt Cart. We designed the room and gave him square footage and he delivered the salt −3 tons to be exact!
KDHamptons: How often do clients come for a treatment? Who is the best candidate?
Shannon: The salt is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti inflammatory. Although I do not have a medical background, I have seen healing effects for a variety of ailments, including: respiratory conditions, allergies, asthma. The common cold, flu. Sinusitis, ear infections. Skin disorders like eczema, and psoriasis. Migraines, stress, and anxiety relief and more. Even if you are not diagnosed with anything. It is a great room to relax and meditate and take a nap. People with severe issues tend to come twice a week, but I would say once a week is good for all. [A session is 45 minutes and costs $40.00]
For more information, please contact 631 668 7258. Address: 552 West Lake Drive Montauk
Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00-6:00; Saturday10-3; Sunday 9-11. Closed Mondays