KD Hamptons

American Humane Sparkles Under the Stars with Humane Heroes

Southampton, NY – American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization, held a “Loving Animals” salon dinner in Water Mill, New York on July 6 honoring the important role dogs play not only in our day-to-day life but also importantly on…


Cartier just opened a new seasonal boutique in East Hampton, NY, the first in a series of Cartier d’Été pop-ups planned for Summer 2022.  The store features an exquisitely curated selection of fine jewelry and time pieces that sit next to timeless…

Record Turnout at the Much Ado About Madoo Party

Thank you all for joining us at Much Ado About Madoo last Saturday and supporting the Madoo Conservancy. We’re delighted to report a record turnout for the most beautiful party of the summer. The daytime garden market and evening cocktail bring…