From the kitchen of Pooja Mottl

Berry Almond Sorbet

[ingredients]2 cups organic frozen strawberries
2 cups organic frozen blackberries
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup or malt barley syrup
1/3 cup slivered blanched almonds

[instructions]1. Measure out berries and load them in food processor main container. Wait 15 minutes for berries to thaw.
2. Choose manual pulse on food processor and gradually manually pulse until berries begin to break. Then choose automatic pulse and process until smooth – a minute or two. Add syrup and process again.
3. Remove sorbet from processor container and stir in almonds. Enjoy immediately![/instructions]

Pooja’s Way Founder, Pooja Mottl, says “I love this recipe because it’s made of nutrient-rich, power berries!”

Total Time: 20 minutes
Tools Needed: Strong food processor
Yield: 2 cups

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