Betty Wasserman
Occupation: CEO of BWAI, Art Dealer and Interior Designer, mother of Milly, age 10
Current Residence: Southampton

KDHamptons: How long have you been coming to the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much?
Betty Wasserman: I have been coming here all my life, grew up on Long Island, have summered in the Hamptons for over 25 years, we currently use our house in Southampton year round for weekends, but practically full time in summer—certainly in August! Love the air, the light, the people, the food, the shops, the beach, and our house!
KDH: Please describe your Hamptons home, and decorating style?
BW: Clean, country modern, with all the practical needs covered, and the aesthetic ones solved! You can see my home on my website under designers cottage: www.bettywasserman.com
KDH: Personal style: do you have a Hamptons “uniform”? Which designer do you wear the most?
BW: I live in everything Calypso and Roberta Freyman. Cotton, comfortable, hip and easy to wear.
KDH: What is your favorite restaurant? Got a favorite dish you always order?
BW: My favorite restaurant in the summer is SANT AMBROEUS in Southampton, as we love to sit outside in the garden. It feels like a European café! My daughter Milly always gets the mushroom soup and the steak. And I always get the arugula salad with shaved parmesan and some pasta. In the winter, I like many different places~ Paradise in Sag is a favorite, as is Red Bar, and Pierre’s of course!
KDH: Share your perfect Hamptons day with our readers?
BW: A perfect day would be a day that my daughter allows me to sleep in [which means past 8 AM]! Then get up and make breakfast, and head out to the tennis club, for some exercise and good healthy competition- I thrive on it! Lunch at home, love to cook, then out to the beach, or entertaining friends, house guests, etc, then perhaps a little late afternoon beach visit, until cocktail hour begins! Dinner either out or in, doesn’t matter, as long as it includes good food and good people!
KDH: What is the greatest part about your job? If you could snap your fingers and instantly have another career~ what would be your dream job?
BW: I am lucky in that I truly love what I do, I don’t want for any other career. The best part of my job is spending time around beautiful objects and spaces and creating function and beauty together for my clients. Practical beauty is a win-win!
KDH: What is your best kept secret about the Hamptons?
BW: INN SPOT, in Hampton bays. People don’t like to go that far, but it is so peaceful and quiet and the food is divine! Great service, and the best sunsets!
KDH: Which is your favorite season in the Hamptons and why?
BW: Summer for sure- lots of tennis, swimming, outdoor fun! Everyone sleeps well at night!
KDH: If you could have anyone at your Hamptons dinner party [dead or alive] who would you invite?
BW: Probably Oprah, and I would ask her to bring Ellen. [My daughter loves Ellen too!]
KDH: If you could decorate the home of anyone in the world, who’s would it be?
BW: Someone with unlimited space and budget in the Hamptons, so I can take an entire year and spend all my time out here doing what I love!! Know anyone in need of my services?
KDH: Who do you think has the chicest home in the Hamptons and why?
BW: Jill Braufman—it is by far the MOST beautiful beach house I have ever had the pleasure to be invited to. Every finish and material and decision is smart, efficient and beautiful, and I didn’t design it!