Brady J. Wilkins
Occupation: Peconic Baykeeper
Current Residence: Patchogue Village

After an extensive search, the Peconic Baykeeper Board of Directors announces the hiring of the new Baykeeper, Brady J. Wilkins. Brady brings with him a lifetime of experience on Long Island’s waters. Having grown up on the South Shore of Suffolk County, he embodies the passion for swimmable, drinkable and fishable waters that the Baykeeper position demands. Wilkins background as an educator, together with his experience on the water make him an ideal fit for Peconic Baykeeper’s advocacy, outreach and education efforts.
KDHamptons: How long have you been living in the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much?
Brady J. Wilkins: I have lived in Patchogue Village since 1999 and love it because it has become revitalized to it’s former glory. My wife Michelle, and daughters Stella, age 14, and Rowyn, age 9, have access to the beautiful beaches of Fire Island with NO CARS, and a vibrant, eclectic and historical downtown area with easy access to the Hamptons to the east or Manhattan to the west via LIRR.
KDHamptons: Please describe your new baykeeper position for our readers?
Brady: My new position as Baykeeper is a dream come true as it fully embodies many of the talents, skills and experiences I have honed and earned since childhood. Working as an advocate for the waterways and inspiring youth to become positive contributors to society is highly rewarding.
KDHamptons: What are your greatest concerns about the bay?
Brady: My personal concerns about all of the bays surrounding Long Island as a whole is that I feel there is a blurred vision for the big picture. We are at a critical point in time as Long Islanders. The quality of our air, land, surface and ground water leads directly towards our quality of life. We at Peconic Baykeeper aim to focus on the big picture and make clear that it is possible and necessary to inspire people to become active in the decision making processes that affect our quality of life.
KDHamptons: What is your background that led you to this position?
Brady: I hold a license as a United States Coast Guard Merchant Marine Officer, Master of Inland Waters, and previously served as captain and crew aboard passenger ferries and excursion vessels upon the Great South Bay and Puget Sound. I’m also a New York State Licensed Educator with a Master’s degree in Childhood Education and have taught general education, special education and science in several districts throughout Suffolk County.
KDHamptons: Do you have a favorite spot or vista to share?
Brady: Any place I can have my feet in the water and lookout upon the horizon! This is where I feel most human. We are united by water regardless of socio-economic status, political affiliation or race, we all need water!
KDHamptons: What has been the strangest thing you have seen or discovered in the bay?
Brady: Plastic trash from companies that do not exist anymore. Plastics have a place in society but not a place in our waterways.
KDHamptons: Please describe your perfect personal day in the Hamptons?
Brady: An early morning with my family at Morton Wildlife Preserve followed by an apple picking session at The Milk Pail.
KDH: What is your favorite Hamptons restaurant, got a favorite item you get every time?
Brady: Naturally Good in Montauk. I LOVE “The Bruce” with an “American Beauty plus ginger”. Good food and more importantly, good people.
KDHamptons: What can our readers do to help preserve our beautiful bay?
Brady: Always see the environment around us through the eyes of a child and it should be easy to determine what is right from wrong for they are the ones who will be inheriting it from us for better or worse.
**For more information please go to: