BRRRRR!! Baby It's Cold In The Hamptons! KDH Escapes The East End And Heads To Nassau...Click For My Beach Video!

Hi KDHamptons readers! I hope you are making lots of cozy fires and keeping warm during this chilly weekend…. As much as I love a romantic snowy Hamptons, I scooted off to Lyford Cay in the Bahamas to visit with friends and I have to report that the weather here is so spectacular. You have got to click the photo at top to see video of the beach at Lyford~ really breathtaking.
We have been doing lots of: boating, swimming, jet skiing, and tonight I made my famous Panko Crusted Chicken Milanese and a Roasted Pepper Caprese Salad for everyone. I will put up the recipe for you this week. Here are a few pix from the trip….