Being Called A GardenFreak Is A GOOD THING!
GardenFreak founder Kim Visokey learned to garden by trial and error…along the way she designed a sublime collection of gardening apparel and accessories that celebrate a modern approach to time spent both in and out of the garden. Shop this uber fun, fashionable and functional lifestyle brand at
Kim shares, “I’ll never forget the day I stumbled upon the coolest garden I’d ever seen. It was spitting rain and my formerly coiffed hair had coiled into a growing cascade of ramen noodles— I didn’t care because before me was something so magical it took my breath away. While I wasn’t a gardener when I entered that mossy pathway, from that day forward I knew I wanted to create, grow and nurture a garden of my own for friends and family to enjoy.”
As my obsession grew, earning me the nickname ‘GardenFreak’, so did my ideas on how to make gardening more fun, functional and yes, fashionable. Whether tripping on my way to the compost bin or down on all fours in the dirt, our garden became not only the backdrop to a wonderful family life, but also a laboratory for innovation.