Chesie Breen
Occupation: Founder and Editor of Clover magazine, Public Relations Consultant, Contributing Editor for House Beautiful magazine, KDH Design Ambassador, wife, and mom of three girls- wow!
Current Residence: East Hampton

KDHamptons: What do you love most about living in the Hamptons?
Chesie Breen: The light and the wide open spaces. I love seeing the big open sky while I am kayaking, golfing, and spending time outdoors with my family…
KDH: Can you describe your perfect day in the Hamptons?
CB: Yes~ I had a totally perfect day over the summer [which I like to repeat as often as possible]! I had coffee at home, then played a round of golf with a friend, went down to Wiborg Beach for lunch with my family, followed by a swim in the best crystal waves! After lunch, I took my 10 year old daughter to a birthday party where the kids rode Clydesdales- and then headed back to the beach to meet friends for tuna tacos and Rose at sunset.
KDH: Do you have a special destination to share with KDH readers?
CB: I went with my daughter’s class to the overlook in Montauk where we hiked out to see the sea lions. Also, for Father’s Day we rented kayaks on Shelter Island [close to where the ferry drops you off] and cruised in and around the Mashomack preserve. It was so beautiful!
KDH: You have such a busy schedule- where do you go to unwind for a date night with your husband? Favorite restaurant?
CB: We jump into “smally” [a 1971 Mercedes convertible Chesie got for her 40th birthday!] and head to The Palm on Friday nights. We usually split a house salad with blue cheese, then I order the filet mignon, onion rings, and creamed spinach! We also like the Beacon and Fresno.
KDH: Ok, let’s talk fashion: you are always perfectly put together. Do you have a Hamptons “fashion uniform”? Where do you like to shop?
CB: Yes, for summer it is usually white shorts, a flouncy top and a bright crocodile Alexandra Knight T-strap sandals. For evening, I like to wear floor length dresses with chic flats. Lazy Point in Amagansett has great summer pieces, or Tory Burch in East Hampton for the off season.
KDH: Do you have a favorite bag that you always carrry?
CB: Actually, my “It” bag for summer is always the same, and I take it out every Fourth of July for the season! It’s a white Gucci bag with a bamboo top handle that my husband gave to me.
KDH: You love to collect beautiful jewelry. What is the perfect accessory that every Hamptons girl should have in her jewelry box?
CB: Hermes leather cuffs. I love the mix of the bold shiny hardware with the colored leather cuff.
KDH: Do you like to choose a new fragrance each season?
CB: Last summer I started wearing Beige by Chanel. My mother-in-law gave it to me, and it has become my new favorite fragrance!
KDH: What inspires you most?
CB: My children, and I love to surround myself with busy creative people.
KDH: Casa Breen is one of the chicest homes in the Hamptons. If you could decorate any other home in the world, who’s would it be?
CB: Hmm, I would say the White House. [Are you reading this Mrs. Obama??]