CTREE Horses Healing Lives Benefit Huge Success

A perfect summer sunset lent a warm glow to the sell-out crowd at the Center for Theraputic Riding of the East End Benefit at the Sebonack Golf Club in Southampton on Thursday, August 24th. The enthusiastic crowd came out for the Horses Healing Lives Fundraiser, enjoying cocktails and live music from Hopefully Forgiven while fiercely competing over the incredible silent and live auction.
Honorary Chair Georgina Bloomberg (above with Carlos Arruza) commented, “I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by animals my whole life and sometimes take for granted their thereaputic powers. I’ve had the chance to volunteer and see that transformative power they have especially for children with disabilities. You all do great work and it’s a pleasure to be a part of tonight.”

CTREE is a riding program based at Wolffer Estate Stables in Sagaponack serving children, adults and veterans with special needs and the fundraiser, due to the generous guests and sponsors, raises half of its annual budget. Karen Bocksel serves as the Executive Director of CTREE and Tami Maines and Michelle Farmer were the Chairs of the event. A dedicated board and committee helped make the event a huge success.

Guests also heard first hand from a CTREE parent, “This summer has been most impactful for my son. He formed a special relationship with Rocket. He calls him My Boy. He has been riding for the first time independently of the lead line and it has given him so much pride and confidence. He has a huge sense of accomplishment, and for me that is the best feeling in the world.” For more information please visit: ctreeny.org

*all photos in this feature by Rob Rich/SocietyAllure.com ©2017 robrich101@gmail.com 516-676-3939