The Eighth Annual Hamptons Paddle for Pink Raises $650K for BCRF!

Sag Harbor resident and mother of four, Maria Baum is an investor/entrepreneur who created Tutto Il Giorno and Dopo La Spiaggia restaurants as well as Splash Mixers following a long career as a derivatives trader on Wall Street. Maria was introduced to paddle boarding shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer and found it provided a positive outlet during her treatment and subsequent recovery. Inspired by her own passion for the sport, Maria was moved to use paddle boarding as a way to raise critical funds for lifesaving breast cancer research.

To date, the event has raised an incredible $10.5 million for lifesaving breast cancer research.

It is thanks to incredible people like the Baums, as well as all who continue to donate, that we may someday defeat this awful disease.

—by Willa O’Connor