Four Top Tips To Navigate The East Hampton Antiques Show Kickoff on July 20th
Antiquing, like history, is a moving target – trends ebb and flow, based on societal influences and personal taste. KDHamptons asks the panel of experts from the 2018 East Hampton Antiques Show share their personal insight about antiquing trends and what’s HOT at the moment, below. Common themes that resonate is the resurgence of interest in 19th Century furnishings, the careful curation of items from multiple eras into one space to achieve visual excitement, and designers’ resounding enthusiasm for introducing antiques into their projects. Enjoy the insight, and apply their knowledge when perusing the cornucopia of rare and unusual items to be offered at the 2018 East Hampton Antiques Show, one of KDHamptons favorite events of summer. See all the show details and ticket info further below..
Maria Vann – Executive Director of the East Hampton Historical Society
“As a historian, it seems to me that trends in antiquing are similar to how people are inspired by historical narratives. For instance, a once despised and ignored Alexander Hamilton, became all the rage on Broadway as his story and his significance was presented in a new way. When historical stories re-emerge in popularity, style trends can follow. There are waves of what is socially pleasing and antiques are routinely presented in new ways by expert designers. They set the stage for what larger consumer populations relate to with regard to style. For example, as the PBS Victoria series gained popularity, so did Victorian clothing trends…and now we are seeing more 19th century decor becoming popular. History and antiquing trends appear to be parallel narratives, with antiquing being the physical manifestation of revisiting the past and making it present.”
Richard Barons – Senior Museum Curator of the East Hampton Historical Society
“Some people are talking about “Modern Nostalgia” as they focus on trends in collecting and interior design for the season. A dealer from Hudson, New York, said that people are looking to blend the industrial with the American Farmhouse look. “Items that conjure-up warm & fuzzy windows into the past are flying out of my gallery,” he said. He went on listing posters, plank-seat kitchen chairs, art student paintings from the ‘60’s, folk art bird houses and said that even quilts were selling again. It might be time to come home to a room filled with warmth and comfort –- a hideaway curated with an international blend ranging from beach to Bauhaus.”
Scott Sanders – Designer and Honorary Chair of the East Hampton Antiques Show
“The most wonderful thing about this show is to experience the passion that every single vendor has for their particular specialty. It’s infectious, and mixed with their comprehensive knowledge, I’ve been inspired to buy “outside of the box” and even, sometimes, outside of my own design comfort zone. Without fail, those pieces have turned into treasures, whether for me or my clients.”
Brian Ferguson – Antiques Dealer and East Hampton Antiques Show Manager
“The BEST is always desirable,” said Brian Ferguson, Show Manager of the East Hampton Antiques Show, who brings 45 years of experience in identifying trends in the antiques market. “The market is changing – for the past 15 to 20 years Mid-Century Modern was hot.” said Ferguson, “Now I see clients mixing modern with the top of the line 18th and 19th century furniture, art and folk art. By curating with restraint and cherry-picking the best from each period, you can create tremendous visual appeal. That’s how you achieve the Wow Factor!” explains Ferguson.

Opening Night Preview Cocktail Party with Scott Sanders Kicks off the 2018 East Hampton Antiques Show Benefiting the East Hampton Historical Society.
Preview Cocktail Party: Friday, July 20 (6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)
Antiques Show: Saturday & Sunday, July 21 & 22
Interior Designer Scott Sanders is the Honorary Chairperson of the Friday, July 20, Preview Cocktail Party, which offers patrons an early buying opportunity of the extraordinary array of antiques, art, jewelry and collectibles. For tickets, please call the East Hampton Historical Society at 631-324-6850 or visit the Events page on the East Hampton Historical Society’s website at Tickets can also be had at the gate the night of the event.