Gail Tobias
Occupation: Photographer, President of Shutter Sister Images and I and J studios. Mother of Isabella, 7, and Jacob, 5.
Current Residence: Manhattan in off-season and summers in Southampton.

KDHamptons: How long have you been coming to the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much?
GT: I grew up my whole life with a house in Amagansett in a little white house with a picket fence, walking distance from the beach. As a child it was my heaven. I would wake up and run to the beach to soak up the sun and at night I would go and listen to the waves. I always felt very safe near the ocean even though I feared it. We had a widows walk on top of our house and my father and I would sit there watching the sunsets. We sold our house in the 90’s and then when I got married my husband and I started renting out here with our 2 children, Isabella and Jacob. We have been on the hunt to buy, but the right house hasn’t come our way yet, I’m still waiting for the little white house with the little picket fence, with the beautiful view of the sunsets!
KDH: Other than the picket fence, what style of design are you looking for in a dream home?
GT: My house style would be colonial and yet bohemian. I like a provincial, warm and cozy feel as if you walked into Italy. Everything has to be feng shui and have balance. Soft colors, warm furniture and exquisite art. A kitchen made with stones and tiles taken from ancient Rome and fire places in every room. Unique, colorful chandeliers. I love old wooden barn flooring and beams….and beautiful gardens and flowers everywhere!
KDH: Wow! Sounds like you know what you want in a home! Regarding fashion, do you have a Hamptons “uniform”? Which designer do you wear the most?
GT: There are so many designers I love, but I would have to say that Haute Hippi is my favorite. The clothes are elegant, affordable and make you feel so feminine. My favorite shoes are Il Sandalo. They will custom make any chic sandal for you and are so comfortable. I also love to wear a little Buddha charm on a turquoise necklace.
KDH: What is your favorite restaurant? dish and drink you get
every time? same question for family restaurant?
GT: I love Sant Ambroeus. You are always guaranteed great pasta, great atmosphere and great service. I’m not a drinker, but they make the best cafe latte. In the summer I go there at least three times a week for a cappuccino and a panini for lunch when my kids are in camp. It’s a great little escape, while standing at the espresso bar or sitting by the windows. My other favorite place to eat is at my friend Bonnie’s house! She makes home made meatballs every Sunday with an assortment of other goodies. Plus, you get to hang out with everyone you love, rather than a restaurant full of strangers!
KDH: Describe your perfect day in detail for KDH readers?
GT: My perfect day would start on a sunny morning in August, wake up around 7am, send the kids to camp, sit outside on my front porch rocking chair having my coffee and listening to the birds eat from our bird feeders [hoping to catch and glimpse of a humming bird!]. I head to Sant Ambroeus for lunch, and maybe meeting a friend for some exercise after. I am very involved in charity work. I like to give my time to many organizations and their events that are held in the Hamptons. Ellen’s Run (http://www.ellensrun.org ) Phoenix house http://www.phoenixhouse.org , Oceana www.oceana.org and Roar for a cure http://www.maxcurefoundation.org, just to mention a few. I love spending my days working hard to make a difference. At the end of my perfect day, my amazing husband cooks a wonderful meal [he is the cook in the family~ am I lucky or what?!]. After dinner, spending time with my children.
KDH: What is the greatest part about your job? If you could snap your fingers and instantly have another career~ what would be your dream job?
GT: I would love to be a photo journalist. Capturing the world around us, but with a positive take. Life has too many negative images and stories about our global world. I want to show more of the positive things there are in this world…that we are all making a difference in a life besides our own. I read about a female photojournalist who went to Iraq. The Army sergeant started to give her direction in regard to which war sights should be photographed, but this women said, “No, I want to see the schools you have built. I want to see the wells you have dug so the world can see what progress you have made for these countries.” That story made an impression on me.
KDH: What are your plans for the holidays? Will you travel or stay out East?
GT: My family and I decided not to travel this year and stay close to family and friends. My sister-in-law is expecting their second baby so we all want to enjoy in the beginnings of her life.
KDH: Which is your favorite season in the Hamptons and why?
GT: I love the Fall – the leaves change, the air is pure, the beach is clean and the kids love the pumpkin picking, plus the photos that time of year are breathtaking.
KDH: If you could invite anyone to a perfect Hamptons dinner party at your home [dead or alive] who would you invite?
GT: I would invite my mother and father – plus my immediate family!
KDH: How do you “do-it-all” ? Photography, charity work, a husband, family…share a couple tips for our busy readers?
GT: Life is too short to not at least try to be and do all you want to. I don’t want to have regrets. I have to be there in the morning for my kids, get them to school, then it’s my time to work. The computer has to be off by 5pm, then it’s family time. Every two weeks we fit in a dinner or a benefit. It’s not that easy, I do have a nanny, but I love my family, I love my work, and I love to give to others so it comes naturally for me..
I need to work on finding a balance, but I am a work in progress. Life throws us curve balls all the time, but we have to be present at each moment, concur our fears and challenge our minds. If we can do that then everyone benefits!