GRIZZIE, The English Bulldog
Current Residence: AMAGANSETT

KDH: Why do u love the Hamptons so much Grizz?
Grizzie: I love to run in the grass, and then tear it up any chance I get. I also love playing on the beach, sleeping by the pool, and riding in cars.
KDH: Describe your perfect day in detail?
Grizzie: I wake up at 7:30, have breakfast, tear up some grass, then jump in the car to go for iced coffee with my dad at the Easthampton Citarella. Dad drinks his coffee at a table outside and I eat the crushed ice. We go to the beach in the morning ( I get overheated so I can’t stay out too long), come home for a light lunch of homemade Michaels Soul Stew, which my old Hamptons friend Ted introduced me to. I take an afternoon nap, wake up and play catch. I love catch so much…can’t get enough of it.
KDH: Do you feel you bring your friendly face out East vs. your NYC look?
Grizzie: Well I would like to say yes, but I guess I’m a work in progress. I took night school classes during the year to help me with my communication skills, and I think it helped a bit. I’m just very protective of my friends and family, you never know who is around.
KDH: Where do stay in the Hamptons?
Grizzie: Well I hate to tell because its my secret hideaway, but when I’m not staying with friends, I adore the Gansett Green Manor in Amagansett. They have cute little cottages, and there is a lot of room for me to run and play, and I love sleeping in front of the screen door. I pretend I’m a country dog on those days
KDH: Do you have a favorite place to go for a snack?
Grizzie: This is tough because I will eat anything. One time I got to ride in the back of our friends SUV to Round Swamp Farm and the nice girls put all the food they bought in the back with me! I tried the delicious parmesan crackers, crispy chicken tenders, and I got a bite of a warm muffin before they caught me in the bags. I would like to go back to finish those delicious snacks.
KDH: Why do u hate pool floats so much?
Grizzie: Oh quite the contrary. I love pool floats so much that I want to eat them all! I just love playing in the pool, and I’m a very good swimmer. I think KDH readers might be surprised at that.
KDH: Have you met any cute girls on the beach? Would you like to date another bulldog?
Grizzie: Not yet, I am enjoying being single right now, but definitely looking. I think Yorkies have the prettiest long hair.