Hamptons Health: Author Kathy Freston Inspires At The Wellness Foundation's First Annual Summer Benefit!

On Saturday, June 30th, The Wellness Foundation marked it’s very first Annual Summer benefit. Guests toasted special guest & wellness expert, Kathy Freston, with watermelon infused water, snacked on vegan appetizers, and watched the sun set over the glorious Maidstone Club at a private East Hampton home…
The Wellness Foundation is located in the Town of East Hampton and encourages health and happiness: “We believe that nutritional excellence, regular physical exercise and stress management are the components of a successful personal wellness journey.”
Kathy Freston, was a natural fit for the event. The New York Times best-selling author of “The Lean,” and “Veganist,” has appeared on Oprah, Ellen and Dr. Oz.
Kathy shares that she grew up in the South eating fried chicken almost everyday [gasp!!], but as an adult she started to “Lean into Wellness”…..and wow~ this plan seems to be working! The tall, blond, and beautiful wellness queen is the image of healthy living…
KDHamptons writer Marie Goldstein [above] covered the event, “Hey, if I can look as great as Kathy, I’ll drink a gallon of watermelon infused water!! I also loved the vegan hors d’oeuvres catered by Art of Eating, and the live music by Jane Hastay, Peter Martin Weiss & John Cataletto.”

The Wellness Foundation honored advisory council members: Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Antonia Demas, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, and Dr. Pam Popper. Each council member shared with us what the Wellness Foundation meant to them. They all agreed that “if the rest of the world did what the Wellness Foundation did for East Hampton, we would all be living longer and happier lives.”
Find out more information on the Wellness Foundation at www.wfeh.org
Address: 65 Dunemere Lane, East Hampton
Phone: (631) 329.2590 or 329.2048