Hi! I'm Ace. Can I Please Come Home For The Holidays With You? I'm At The Southampton Animal Shelter....
KDHamptons Readers: We are dedicating December to finding as many homes as possible for dogs and cats who need some love this holiday season. Join in as we continue our relationship with the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF) in posting features dedicated to showcasing cuddly cats and darling dogs that are available for adoption on the East End.
The SASF is an organization in the Hamptons devoted to the welfare of animals and to reduce the number of homeless pets. As they do not turn their backs on animals who need their help, let’s not turn ours and lend a helping hand in finding homes for the holidays for Ace and Mia!
*For more information on these little guys, or to meet other pets available for adoption, please go to:
http://www.southamptonanimalshelter.com/ or call 631.728.PETS [7387]

Adorable Ace is a 6-year old black labrador retriever. His previous owner had no time for him. He adores all things furry and human! Ace is looking for a playful, active family who will appreciate his goofy and funny personality! How can you say no to a face like Ace?

Mia is a beautiful long haired 4-year old cat with tan & white fur and gorgeous green eyes. Her owner left her and her sister Bella at a pet sitters and never came back for them. Bella has been adopted. She is the demure one who loves to be brushed-a girl’s gotta keep up her good looks! Mia will make any home more enchanting this holiday season…
*Readers please forward this email to lots of people so we can find these two a home. Thanks! xxoo Kelli