If You’re Still In Your 20’s, What’s Your Idea Of A Perfect Summer? How Bout Plunking Down A 1967 Airstream On A Montauk Beach And Serving Lobster Rolls To Surfer Girls?

The Hamptons loves a hipster pop-up contrivance and fantastic fresh seafood: combine the two, and enter AndTurf, the concept of a 27 year-old SVA grad, who partnered with the designer behind Brooklyn Fare and Balthazar to restore this shiny vintage Globetrotter. From about 10-6 pm, you can go grab knuckle and claw lobster delights. Yum!
Here are the “house” specialties:
Lobster Roll: A blend of knuckle and claw meat mixed with a touch of spiced mayo and stuffed into a toasted top split bun, $16
Ditch the Roll: Farmers market salad, tomatoes, and hard boiled eggs with a fresh lump of lobster meat, $16
Homemade Key lime tart, $5
Find the epicurean airstream down at Ditch on Little Dirt Road down by the waves
Dirt Lot, Ditch Plains, Montauk
*Go to AndTurf.com for more info