KDHamptons Featured Artist: New Shows for Jeff Muhs in Palm Beach and Palm Springs
Southampton artist Jeff Muhs [above] has an exciting week ahead, with showings from Palm Springs to Palm Beach. Muhs will showing several new oil and gold leaf works in GOLD SHOW at the Brintz Gallery. Jeff Muhs uses gold fields that materialize from his “Creation Process” paintings, like the forming of the elements in the heart of a star. In Palm Springs, Jeff will have work with two galleries bring featured at the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair. [Visit Lyons Wier Gallery, booth #314 and Patrajdas Contemporary booth #522]

The gallery shares, “Gold is an intuitively consummate theme for the island of Palm Beach. Our GOLD SHOW will consider how our associations to the material conjure the most fundamental drives for luxury, social prestige and hierarchy as well as spiritual sublimity and largess. New narratives are born as the artists consider how this relatively inert element rouses and
speaks to our unconscious; indeed, a chief concern of the artists is the alchemical
potency of gold when it interacts with the human psyche. The implementation of gold
into art – how it becomes a base, or layer for a specific piece – somehow recontextualizes
the work, transmutes it or elevates it.”

The GOLD SHOW is on view from February 11th-25th at Brintz Galleries, Palm Beach.
Opening reception will be Thursday, February 11th from 6-8 PM. If you have an interest to preview the works, please contact: Beth McNeill-Muhs, McNeill Art Group: mcneillartgroup@mac.com; 631-838-4843