Julie Wolfe
Current Residence: SOUTHAMPTON

KDH: How long have you lived on the East end?
JULIE WOLFE: I have lived here in Southampton almost ten years, and before that I was in Water Mill. Also, when I was a growing up my family spent every summer here as well so the Hamptons is really part of my DNA.
KDH: You lived in Manhattan for many years, what made you make the big move to the country?
JW: I’m a single mom, and I moved here for my two boys—Charlie is 18 and Cole is nine. Also, I can be uptight! In the Hamptons, I’m more relaxed, and the kids just love it out here. They love to go to the city, but they love living out here more. I love to windsurf, and the boys are big surfers too.
KDH: What are the family restaurants you & the boys can’t live without?
JW: We love Foodys’s in Water Mill, and LT in Sag is now our favorite place! I have to pick places that are easy. Cole loves Sip ‘N Soda for a milkshake or ice cream cone. Citta Nuova is our spot for pasta in East Hampton. Oh! And BreadZilla is our favorite for lunch. Everything they make is home made and it’s all incredible. They don’t have seating, but it’s perfect for take-out.
KDH: If you have a day all to yourself, what do you like to do?
JW: I’m a health nut—I love to stop by Juicy Naam for their delicious raw foods and juices then off to Yoga Shanti, in Sag Harbor, [where I teach on Tuesday evenings]. I love jeans shopping at Henry Lehr, but of course you’ll be broke after you go there! Or I like to shop Calypso for easy, summer pieces. In the evening, Navy Beach is great for sunset cocktails with friends.
KDH: You are a Sothebys broker, and a model on the side. How long have you been a model?
JW: When I was 16, my sister and I wanted to model, so we cut school and went into the city! Elite signed me when I was 17, and I moved to Paris within a month! I’m 49 now, and with the Ford agency. I do more TV commercials these days.
KDH: How did you transition to real estate?
JW: I always loved real estate, because when I made money in modeling that’s what I always invested in. I bought my first place in the city when I was 19, on East 68th Street!
KDH: What is it that you absolutely love most about living in the Hamptons?
JW: I love the quiet time in the winter, but my favorite season is definitely the spring because it’s not too crowded, everything is blooming, and it’s the best time for windsurfing. Yes, spring is definitely my favorite!