KDH Diary: Outdoorsman Andrew Wahl Shares His Hamptons Hunting Season
KDH caught up with our old friend Andrew Wahl [pictured top & above center] over dinner at Shippy’s last week. During the week Andrew travels the world running his company~ the Wahlrich Group~ a powerhouse full service, global in-store marketing agency. During his downtime, you will always find Andrew out on the East End where he spends as much time taking in our incredible surroundings~ particularly hunting & fishing. Check out his KDH Diary below & these amazing pics from his outings this season….
KDHamptons: Describe yourself as an outdoorsman? What do you shoot, where, and when?
Andrew Wahl: I have been an avid outdoorsman my entire life taking advantage of some of the best fishing and waterfowling that the country has to offer- all within 90 miles of NYC!
KDH: Has this been a good hunting season, why?
AW: This season has not been great because of the warm weather. The ducks and geese generally migrate south as the water up north freezes. The warm weather prevents this from happening. Waterfowl migrate looking for open water and fields where they can feed.
KDH: Where is the best place to go hunting in the Hamptons?
AW: There are great spots both on the North and South Fork- many of which are owned by farmers that we lease from. There are many duck blinds dotting the landscape all over the Hamptons that have been in families for generations. Getting a new permit for one is harder than getting a reservation at Nobu on the 4th of July! The best water fowl guide in Long Island is Tom Cornecelli of Backbay Outfitters.
KDH: Where do you buy all of your cool camouflage clothes and hunting gear?
AW: I buy most of my gear at Orvis and L.L. Bean, which have both been outfitting hunters for over 100 years. I shoot a Winchester SX3 with Blindside ammo, and religiously clean my gun with Hoppe’s after every shoot.
KDH: Do you eat everything you shoot?
AW: Yes, we eat almost everything that we shoot. We also have a big game dinner at the end of the season for members of our group where we serve the game we shoot. All the proceeds go to support St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
KDH: What do you say to those who take issue with hunting?
AW: Avid outdoorsman and hunters like myself are probably more environmentally conscious than most. We are all members of Ducks Unlimited which buy millions of acres all over the country to protect the breeding ground and habitats of ducks and geese. If no one hunted geese on Long Island, they would destroy the farms and vineyards.
KDH: What has been your most exciting moment of the season so far?
AW: After years of maneuvering, I was finally invited to the Shinnecock Indian Reservation which has over 1000 acres of prime waterfowl hunting in the area. I was lucky enough to meet some of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of shooting with and I hope to be invited back many times in the coming years.
KDH: How do you stay warm while sitting in a frigid water blind?
AW: We have a propane heater and stoves in our blinds which keeps us pretty warm. Part of our tradition is also to cook great breakfast and coffee in our blind which helps take our mind off the cold weather. Last week I brought out bacon steaks from Lobels in the city, which were great with a little Peter Lugers sauce!

KDH: The dogs seem to love hunting as much as the owners. Why do they love it so much?
AW: Labs and Chesapeake Retrievers live to hunt. It’s incredible how they can switch from being loving couch potatoes in the city to alert hunting dogs searching the sky for ducks and swimming out into the frigid waters to retrieve them in the Hamptons.