KDH Exclusive Diary With Mercedes Mann Olivieri Of Topping Riding Club In Sagaponack

Do you love horses? Have you or your children always wanted to ride?
Head over to Topping Riding Club, where you’ll find the best instruction in an idyllic Hamptons setting.
One of the Hamptons’ oldest riding establishments, Topping Riding Club is run by Harriet de Leyr, the daughter of legendary Dutch rider Harry de Leyr. With more than 25 acres of land in Sagaponack, TRC has the pedigree and experience to get you up and running in no time. We chatted with Topping Riding Club Manager, Mercedes Mann Olivieri and here is her exclusive KDH diary:
KDH: What makes Topping Riding Club so special?
MMO: It is in such a beautiful setting on the corner of Gibson and Rain in Sagaponack across from the ocean. There is a big field on the corner of this old farm that was started 40 years ago by two sisters, but the farm was eventually handed down to me. It is truly a beautiful setting. Our instructors and ponies are top quality. Harriet has been showing successfully and riding all her life. I have been in the business 25 years. We have younger instructors as well. It is really low-key here. Other farms are more high-profile and busy, but we have an old-fashioned way and classic way of teaching and the atmosphere is bucolic.
KDH: How did you get immersed in the riding world?
MMO: When I was seven, I rode a bike every day during the summer to work at a stable called Spring Closed Stable, in hopes of riding one day. All of my sisters are in the horse business–racing and teaching.
KDH: At what age should children start horseback riding?
MMO: I start as young as two and a half year olds for 15 minute lessons. It really depends on the individual when they start riding. I have a two-year-old student with incredible natural balance. Age doesn’t really matter because time in the saddle is more important. Becoming comfortable with little nuances of the horse and getting ahead of the game is easier to do when one is younger because there is less fear and preconceived notions. People think because horses are big they use lots of muscle, but it is really the opposite. Horses want to be correct and soft, not strong.
KDH: Why is it important start horseback riding at a young age?
MMO: It is important for young children to have the ideas instilled in them that it is easy to ride, and to understand the animal beneath you and its expectations. That way the horse can do its job to the best of its abilities. Usually issues occur when a rider gets in the horse’s way.
KDH: Can you please tell KDH readers about the training programs at TRC?
MMO: We have a famous rider, Harriet de Leyr, training here. She has been teaching for more than 25 years, and has her own children who ride with her. She puts together group lessons that are two to three hours. Those children have their own horses and ponies. We often have several camps going on at the same time. Topping Riding Club has about seven school ponies that we use for all pony camps. We also have two Sag shows, and the Sagaponack Horse Show has been held here for 30 years. It is considered one of the best shows on Long Island.
KDH: What kind of an investment does it take to acquire a horse?
MMO: A horse usually costs about $20,000, but it depends. If you are very lucky, you can get one for between $6,000-8,000. It is very competitive on Long Island, and even down in Florida for short-circuit, prices start at $20,000 and up. It isn’t unheard of to have a $200,000 horse. There are also million dollar horses.
KDH: We used to see riders from TRC trotting to the Sagg store, do you still take the horses to off-site locations?
MMO: We have the luxury of being near the ocean. Every day, we take the ponies and horses to the beach. We used to take them to the Sag store and get coffee and snacks, and then go back–that was when Sagaponack was quieter and smaller. We can’t do that now because of traffic and insurance, but you can do it if you have your own horse!
Riding Lesson Details:
*Starting July 25, TRC is offering a fun eight-week Beginner Pony Camp for children aged 5-10, with semi-private lessons from 1-3:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Each session is limited to five children to ensure quality of instruction , and costs $700/week or $2,300/session (four weeks).
*TRC offers another intermediate pony camp from 3-5 p.m. for girls who have been riding for at least three years, and are jumping and showing.
*Private lessons are also available to anyone three years or older for $120/hour. If watching horse shows is more of your scene, make sure to stop by for the Sagaponack Horse Show on August 10th.
*Location: Topping Riding Club, 58 Daniels Lane, Sagaponack; (631) 537-0948 or go to info@toppingridingclub.net