KDH Floral Expert Erin Meaney Shares Her St. Patrick's Day Photo Diary!


KDH loves to see pix of how people entertain at home so we asked our amazing Contributing Floral Expert [and Irish lass!], Erin Meaney, to share her photo diary from her annual celebration of the shamrock with our readers…

Erin shares, “I always take care of St. Patrick’s Day in my family. It is one of the few holidays where I am not inundated with flower orders from my floral boutique Topiaire, so I prepare a huge family feast. I cook thirty pounds of corned beef, cabbage, roasted and boiled potatoes and boiled carrots. I always leave the Irish soda bread baking to Kathleen King from Tate’s because she does it best! The house always smells perfectly Irish with my corned beef cooking since 12:30!!! Happy St. Patrick’s day to all!”


“Of course my Paddy husband’s beer of choice is none other than Smithwick’s pronounced smiddigs,” says Erin.


“Leprechauns left lots of hidden coins for the kids to hunt for!”

Thanks for sharing your photo diary Erin!

Visit Topiaire floral boutique: 51 Jobs Lane, Southampton; 631.287.3800