KDH Lifestyle Expert Kim Hopkins Shares Her Secrets To Growing Gorgeous Orchids At Home~ Yes It's Possible!
KDH lovvvves orchids. I always keep our house filled with them. Unfortunately, my luck for keeping them in bloom has been inconsistent at best. Only the big double orchid in our master bath has stayed alive and re-flowered for months on end. My sister Kim [and KDH lifestyle editor!] has the magic touch with her orchids so I asked her to give us the goods on her green thumb:
“When I moved to Abu Dhabi nearly four years ago, I decided to master the elusive art of caring for orchids. In NYC I always followed the instructions on the plant’s card, but never had success getting a spent orchid to re-flower. Turns out, beside some love and care, there are a few essential rules you must follow.”
“Most books will tell you to give orchids flitered light, but never direct sunlight. I have found the opposite to be true: I give my orchids a whole afternoon of direct light and they thrive beautifully. I’ve had eight of the same orchids in rotation for several years. Now when I receive a gorgeous Phalaenopsis as a hostess gift, I view it as my next exciting challenge, rather than a potential failure,” says Kim.

Kim shares her secrets to growing gorgeous orchids:
1. Always keep your plant in a clear container, such as the plastic one it comes in or transplant to a pretty glass pot. The light needs to reach the roots. I place the orchid in another pot so it’s easy to remove for watering.
2. Water every three or four days, depending on how dry it is. Keep moist but not wet. Water in the sink and let it run all the way through the plant. Never let an orchid sit in water. Keep some pebbles in the saucer to keep the roots clear.
3. Orchids love humidity. A bathroom with bright light is an ideal location.
4. Keep some mini bark mulch or peet moss on top of the soil.
5. Once an orchid has finished flowering, cut it on a diagonal, directly above a bud. The plant will regrow at that point, similar to how a rose grows once cut at the five-leaf.
6. Feed as needed with an orchid fertilizer.
7. Be patient. Some plants can take a few months to come back. It’s fun to have many in different stages of growth so you can display the prettiest bloomers at their peak and keep the others happily on their way back to beautiful.
Orchid heaven at Topiaire floral boutique in Southampton. Erin has the greatest selection of exotic orchids. This is my miracle orchid which has stayed blooming in our master bath since I bought it at Lynch's last March!! Please, please! I hope this incredible pansy orchid from Topiaire will stay blooming on my kitchen table!