KDH Scoop: Southampton Tennis Star Matt Rineberg Lands A Contract With Athletic DNA Apparel. Click Here For Details!

KDHamptons Tennis Talk:
Matt Rineberg, Director of Tennis at Future Stars Tennis in Southampton has just signed an apparel contract with the Seattle-based tennis company, Athletic DNA. Currently worn by world #34 Kevin Anderson, and world #44 Alex Bogomolov Jr., Athletic DNA is looking to continue early brand success and expand their line with new products [including a female line of clothing in January 2012].
Athletic DNA differs from the bigger brands that make tennis clothes in that the company’s main focus is creating only high performance clothes specifically aimed at tennis players. The other difference is that they cater to the junior player, something that has been missing in tennis for quite some time now.
“The big clothing brands of the world don’t pay attention to tennis,” says Evan Zeder, manager of Sales and Sponsorship for the company. “It’s just been lost in the mix of other sports. And that’s why we decided to go into clothing. We want something that’s different, and shows respect to tennis and these kids.” Tennis tip: Ranked juniors can apply for sponsorship on the Athletic DNA website, and can be eligible for sponsorship ranging from discounted apparel to full sponsorships!
Matt Rineberg has been the patient pro of KDH for the past year at the Future Stars “bubble” in Southampton. He shares with KDHamptons, “I am very excited about my new partnership with Athletic DNA. As a tennis professional responsible for helping bring Donnay tennis racquets to the Hamptons [another up-and-coming company], I am hoping to help do the same with this clothing line. Tennis is a tough sport that you have to work really hard to be good at, and their bold line of apparel really reflects the commitment needed to succeed in tennis. Their materials are second to none, and after wearing the clothers, tennis players will find it diffuclt to go back to what they were wearing before.”
*Check out the Athletic DNA apparel line, and read more about the company at: