KDHamptons Lifestyle Diary: At-Home With Montauk Photographer Lisa-Marie Mazzucco
The Hamptons has historically been a favorite retreat for artists, musicians, and creative influencers for decades, but it only took famed photographer Lisa-Marie Mazzucco three hours to fall in love with Montauk and purchase the home she shares with husband Raphael, son Sascha, and three 3 cats [Boo Boo, Baby Bear and Bella] for the past 13 years. Boasting photography credits for over 100 album covers to her name, Lisa-Marie has become the photographer of choice for countless musicians, drawing inspiration from the beauty and legendary light of the Hamptons.

Prior to becoming a photographer, she traveled the world as a makeup artist with her husband, renowned fashion photographer and artist, Raphael Mazzucco. Enjoy learning more about Lisa-Marie’s eclectic Montauk life and home in this KDHamptons Lifestyle Diary below:
KDHamptons: How long have you been living in the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much?
Lisa-Marie: We moved to Montauk 13 years ago after finding our house on the Internet believe it or not! We were living in the city at the time and had never been to the Hamptons before. We came to visit for 3 hours, bought the house and moved in. We didn’t know a soul out here! That changed quickly of course. I was skeptical about leaving the city, but once I moved into my home I was in love and never looked back.
KDHamptons: Please describe your Hamptons home?
Lisa-Maire: Our home doubles as a photo/art studio for myself, my husband and our son. Other than my 1867 Steinway B grand piano, nothing is safe from paint splatter or resin drips unfortunately! Our home is very eclectic with large art pieces hung on concrete or barn board walls, oversized custom wood furniture pieces grace each room [compliments of Thom Fleming Woodworking]. Tall ceilings with huge windows make it the perfect place to create and show art.
KDHamptons: Do you have a favorite room in your Montauk home?
Lisa-Marie: My favorite room in the house is the bedroom suite upstairs. It’s just far enough from the main living space that I can secretly slip away for a quiet evening unnoticed. Having 10-15 people at my home for dinner, a shooting, or just to hang out on a regular basis is not uncommon and my husband is a wonderful host. My nickname is Houdini! All I need is a few snacks and my favorite taped shows and I’m good for the night!
KDHamptons: Do you live in Montauk throughout the off-season or do you travel?
Lisa-Marie: We live in Montauk year round. I had done so much traveling in my 20’s and 30’s that I am pretty content to spend the quiet winters out here. Our home is a constant hub of activity throughout the year so I’m not sure “quiet” is the right word to use to describe a typical winter for me. My husband is traveling constantly, but since my son has graduating from high school, traveling is back on my agenda!
Blue and Cream in East Hampton
KDHamptons: Do you have a Hamptons look? Which designer do you wear the most out East?
Lisa-Marie: My scrubs are my Hamptons uniform while in my home working endless hours on my images [No, I’m not a nurse on the side, but they are comfy to sleep in]. When I am taking pictures I wear boyfriend jeans or shorts and a black tee or white tank. Loose and comfortable. In the summer I live in sundresses. No particular designer, I buy things I like~ from everywhere. In the Hamptons I mostly shop at: Henry Lehr Beach, Blue and Cream, Obligato and LF. In the city, I try to hit All Saints and the 7th floor of Barneys. My one beauty product I can’t live without is lip gloss. Again, no particular brand or name, I have over 200 I’m sure!
KDHamptons: Please describe your perfect Hamptons day for our readers?
Lisa-Marie: My perfect Hamptons day would be a trip to the beach on a baby wave day where I can practice my new surfing skills, followed by a snooze at the pool, oysters and champagne at sunset and then dinner with family and friends at our house.
KDHamptons: What is your favorite Hamptons restaurant, got a favorite dish & drink you get every time?
Lisa-Marie: When I am seriously cheating on my diet, my favorite restaurant is West Lake [or Chowder House]. The banana cream pie is legendary! The sushi is amazing and the space has a sweet, intimate and comfortable feel. The Dock [below] is a fun, easy place for lunch. They have a wonderful Tuna Melt. The Harvest is usually where we end up if there’s a larger group of us dining. They have supersized portions of everything and their garlic fries…….
KDHamptons: What is your favorite Hamptons hamlet?
Lisa-Marie: My favorite Hamptons hamlet would be Montauk without a doubt. It still has a small town charm with a very diverse community. Our close local friends are artists, fishermen, brokers, actors, writers, carpenters, lawyers and designers. There seems to be a place for everyone in Montauk.
The historic Montauk lighthouse
KDHamptons: You spent many years traveling around the world on glamorous shoots with your husband as a makeup artist, which is so different than being a full time resident of the Hamptons. Do you miss that lifestyle?
Lisa-Marie: Now that I’m a photographer too, and have moved to the Hamptons, I’m happy to stay put. My clients actually travel to me. I was incredibly lucky to be able to stay home and work while my son was in school. I’ve been settled in since I arrived.
KDHamptons: What inspires your photography? Why do you think you have become so popular with musicians?
Lisa-Marie: Being in the fashion business in one way or another for most of my life inspired me to become a photographer. It was the last step for me. During the time I was a makeup artist I was also a film developer, printer and retoucher. It just made sense that I would pick up the camera at some point and take pictures as well. I fell into the classical world by chance, but I think I stayed there by bringing a romantic, editorial style flavor to my photo shoots that was pretty much non-existent for these artists before. I do all the hair and make up myself so the shoots are very personal and comfortable for the musicians who aren’t always accustomed to being photographed. My location is a huge selling point as well. Montauk has beaches, forests, lakes, ponds, sandy deserts, cliffs and texture everywhere. I believe it’s a treat for my clients to come in from the city and spend a day in Montauk…
Lisa-Marie’s photography
KDHamptons: Which East End photographer’s work do you admire most?
Lisa-Marie: Okay, from the past: Richard Avedon, The present: our dear friend Walter Iooss.
KDHamptons: If you could photograph anyone in the world [dead or alive] who would you choose?
Lisa-Marie: There is one person I have wanted to shoot since I started working with classical musicians~ Mr. Itzhak Perlman. I finally got my chance a few weeks ago when Sony hired me to shoot his next album. A career highlight for sure! If I could photograph someone who is no longer with us I would have to say, without a doubt, it would be Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
To learn more about Lisa and her family please visit:
Lisa – www.lisamazzucco.com
Raphael – www.raphaelmazzucco.com
Sascha – www.saschamazzucco.com
Photo credits:
Lisa b&w (Photo: Ilona Kiss)
lisa shooting (Photo: Lynn Blumenfeld)
family portrait (Photo: Patrick Demarchelier)
Lisa & Raphael (Photo: Patarick Parenteau)
baby deer (Photo: Adrienne Valenza)
cats (Photo: Lisa-Marie Mazzucco)
*all home and artist photos by Lisa-Marie Mazzucco