KDHamptons Party Pix: Love Heals At Luna Farm 2012!




On Saturday evening, July 7th, Love Heals, The Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education hosted the Ultimate Birthday Party at its 13th Annual Love Heals at Luna Farm event.

A celebration of the organization’s 20th anniversary, the 650 person event raised over $300,000! KDH is on the committee for this fabulous & fun event which my friend Dini Von Mueffling has spearheaded every summer for over a decade. The Love Heals at Luna Farm party is always the young, fun, hip & haute party of the season!


Throughout the evening, hot Hamptons hosts Hilary Rhoda, Charlotte Ronson, Andrew Saffir & Daniel Benedict mingled with guests and friends under the stars. Everyone noshed [yep, even the models!] on authentic southern BBQ (brought to the Hamptons from South Carolina and cooked on-site for 24 hours prior to the event) and fresh summertime cocktails from Patron.


Hamptons magazine editor Samantha Yanks and husband David


Andrew Saffir, Charlotte Ronson, Hilary Rhoda, and Daniel Benedict


The pretty Patron bar


KDH & Doc swung over for a pre-party cocktail at the chic, new home of Hamptons Hunk, Chris Wragge. How does Chris manage to anchor the 6pm news for CBS, decorate a pristine Bridgehampton home, train for the upcoming Montauk triathalon, and host [& cook for!] myriad guests every weekend? Tip of the hat Mr. Wragge!


Chris Wragge and Kelli Delaney


Kelly Brady, Peter Davis, and Nicole Trunfio



Others in attendance included: the organization’s co-founder, Dini von Mueffling, supermodel Nicole Trunfio, pianist Chloe Flower, designer Rebecca Minckoff, Rodale’s David Zincenko, news anchor Chris Wragge, Peter Davis, Kelli Delaney, Richard Farley, Stephanie Hirsch, Richard Johnson & Sessa von Richtofen, Scott Lipps, Avis Richards, Teresa Sorkin, Martin & Nina Varsavsky, Eric Villency, and Niche Media’s Samantha Yanks, among others. Alison Gertz’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Gertz were also in attendance.


Richard Johnson, Tessa Von Richthofen




KDH with my favorite Hamptons blondes~ Avis Richards (left) & Stephanie Hirsch


Caroline Fare, Eric Villency


Kelli Delaney and husband, Dr. Mark Kot


Dini von Mueffling


Jeff Slonim, Dianne Vavra, and Michael Combs



Patron served up some seriously delicious cocktails including: The Birthday Splash, Luna Farm Refresher, and Healing Touch. A sudden thunderstorm sent gorgeous guests running under the huge tent and DJ Kiss made us all forget about the rain with the hottest playlist. The crowd boogied the night away, taking breaks to visit the Patron Mojito bar, popsicle stand, and Patron photo stage for fun black & white candid shots which we got to take home [below].


John Bolaris, Mark Kot, Kelli Delaney, Chris Wragge, and Amy Palmer





David Zinczenko and Melissa Milne




About Love Heals:

Love Heals was founded in 1992 to carry on the memory of the late AIDS activist Alison Gertz, who contracted HIV from a single sexual encounter at the age of 16.

Love Heals, the Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education, empowers young people in the fight against HIV. Our HIV-positive speakers are putting a face to the epidemic and our youth empowerment programs are training a new generation of community educators and activists. Love Heals also creates and distributes educational materials, shares its expertise and advocates for young people’s right to HIV/AIDS education. We do this in partnership with hundreds of schools and community groups throughout New York City and the surrounding areas, reaching both young people and those individuals who impact their lives, and placing a special emphasis on outreach to high-risk communities.

By the close of 2011, Love Heals directly educated more than 530,000 young people about the realities of HIV and AIDS. The 300- plus young women of color who have completed our peer education training program have reached an additional 10,000 through their community action projects.



Photo credit for all images: Owen Hoffmann/ Patrick McMullan Company