Make Much Ado About Madoo All Weekend Long!
The Madoo Conservancy will host the Sixth Annual Much Ado About Madoo from Friday, June 17th through Saturday, June 18th. This year, Madoo is celebrating 50 years of organic gardening, marking year when Robert Dash signed his name to the deed for Madoo. As Dash describes it in A Walk Through Madoo, he bought “an eighteenth century hay barn sailing above a hedgerow, in from Main Street Sagaponack.” In 1967, Bob moved in and began making the garden he called Madoo.

GARDEN COCKTAIL& MARKET PREVIEW, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Please join Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan, honorary chairmen of our Garden Cocktail Party. Preview the Market Fair – a first-class gathering of vendors from the garden world and enjoy the grounds of Madoo. Jamie Niven, chairman of Sotheby’s Inc. wields the gavel for the Live Auction. In the summer house studio Garden, a suite of six lithographs by Robert Dash with lines by James Schuyler from 1972 will be exhibited.
A TALK IN THE GARDEN: Luncheon and conversation with Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Catie Marron
Urban green spaces play a crucial role in cities around the world. Join Elizabeth Barlow Rogers author of Green Metropolis: The Extraordinary Landscapes of New York City as Nature, History, and Design and Catie Marron, author of City Squares: Eighteen Writers on the Spirit and Significance of Squares Around the World as they discuss how these spaces, both man-made and natural, have affected our culture. Date: Saturday June 18, 2016 12:00 p.m.; Tickets: Members $100 / Non-members $125
ONCE UPON A TIME AT MADOO: Family time at Madoo! Rain or Shine! Join us on the Winter House lawn for a special program produced for four to eight-year-olds with story telling and live music. We’ve got the blankets, the tent and a graduate trio from the Perlman Music Program to entertain your family. Date: Saturday, June 18, 3:00 pm; Tickets: Family of four $100 / Individual $25