NEW KDHamptons Doggie Diary: My Foster Weeks With Charmin' Carmen. Please Read & Help Me Find Her a Home!

KDH recently decided to take charmin’ Carmen home from the Southampton Animal Shelter for a few foster weeks of care in our cozy Water Mill home. Carmen is a dream dog, so full of love, kindness, and loyalty. It has broken my heart ~ and confused me ~ to see her get passed over at the shelter by potential adoptive families for a whole year, because I know she is the greatest girl there, patiently waiting her turn for a home. So, this week we are working every angle we can to place Carmen with a new owner. Learn more about her in my new KDHamptons Doggie Diary below. I hope you might consider adopting Carmen~ what bigger gift is there than to save a life?

Carmen is a 2 year old spectacular looking Blue Pitbull who loves to play. She likes toys, other dogs, kids, and having a best friend. Pup likes to play fetch, go for a walk or a jog with you, or even just cuddle. Want to hear some of the highlights from our week together?
* Carmen is a great leash-walking dog, and does not pull or try to run.
* She never begs for food. Even during a dinner party Doc & I hosted, she lay under the table quietly just happy to be included in the fun.
* Sleepy head: Carmen does not get out of bed until you do, so no early morning walks necessary. She is also house trained
* She is great with kids. My stepdaughter Lily and her friends played with her for hours on her first day here.
* Carmen is ladylike. In one week she has not spilled, broken, or damaged anything in our Hamptons home.

Needless to say, I am so heartbroken that Doc & I can’t make Carmen a permanent member of our family, but with his 7 day work week, and my work / travel schedule, we can’t give her the time and care she needs on a long term basis. To help show my gratitude to her potential adopter, I will happily give a free advertising spot on the KDHamptons home page to support your business, or charitable foundation of choice.

The Southampton Animal Shelter works nonstop to show these animals a lot of love~ bathing them, holding them, and spreading the word to help find them a home. [pssst! If the timing isn’t right for you to adopt now, you can also make a donation to underwrite Carmen’s cage care, and health care as well].
I sincerely thank you for your help and hope you will please forward this link to everyone you can. xxo KDH
**For more information on Carmen you can email me directly at, or to see more pets available for adoption, please or call 631.728.PETS [7387]
[Special thanks to Linda Goldsmith, Kathy Ferraro, and Matt Valentino who dedicate themselves to helping the animals at SASF]