NEW KDHamptons Featured Author: Chris Gorman's Little Surfer Girl Inspires His First Book, INDI SURFS

KDHamptons: What inspired you to write this book?
Chris Gorman: Surfing has a rich tradition of art and design. From early pioneers like Rick Griffen and John Severson, to contemporary artists like Shepard Fairey, Raymond Pettibone and David Carsons, surfing has always had a powerful visual presence. Surf photography and films have blown minds since the 50’s.
After having kids I assumed there must be heaps of cool surf related children’s books, but I was wrong. We found a handful of surf-ish, books but they just didn’t seem to match what I was hoping to find, so with the inspirational participation of my 5 year old daughter, Indi, we started building an image series that I was able to develop into a book. The book illustrations were created by combining studio shots of my daughter Indi with wave illustrations.
KDHamptons: So are you teaching your daughter to surf?
Chris Gorman: My daughter has been surrounded with surf culture since she was born, so I think I have her fairly well brainwashed. She rides a longboard with me and boogieboards really well. My main focus over the last year has been to make sure she is a really good swimmer. Already she knows strokes I can’t even attempt and can swim rings around me, so I think this summer will be a big breakthrough year for her riding waves.
KDHamptons: What do you love about surfing in the Hamptons? Favorite past storm swell?
Chris Gorman: I moved to NYC in 1990 after finishing Art School. I landed a job working for the production office of Law & Order and every Friday I would sneak out with a production car for the weekend. Universal had this old green Lincoln Continental which was used for driving Telly Savalas around town. I would grab my stuff, hop in the Lincoln and head straight to Ditch Plains in Montauk, or Road K and just sleep in the car all weekend − surfing or hanging on the beach all day and night. I’ve been able to hit just about every break out there at one time or another. My two favorite spots would be Flys because it’s a left and I’m a goofy foot, or the Ranch because when it’s firing it reminds me of Ruggles back in Rhode Island.
KDHamptons: Share any exciting plans for summer?
Chris: Our house was pretty trashed by Hurricane Sandy. This book project was something I worked on while we were dislocated. Last summer we were still putting things back together so this summer we are really looking forward to spending as much time on the beach as possible!
KDHamptons: Where can readers buy your book?
Chris: I hope the book will be in all the independent book stores in the area, but it is certainly available through amazon at You can also find all of the info necessary for buying the book, or for selling it if you are an independent book seller who would like to carry it, on our website at or contact the publisher at
Find Chris Gorman here: