NEW KDHamptons Fitness Diary:The Bradford Method in East Hampton Revives the Days of When Exercise was Fun!
This summer Shonda Bradford revives the days of when exercise used to be fun with her newly opened East Hampton studio, The Bradford Method. Longtime friend of KDH since our days working together at Allure magazine, and lifestyle expert & writer, Martha McCully weighs in on this new Hamptons workout in her NEW KDHamptons Fitness Diary:
An Alvin Ailey Ballet Master turned Pilates instructor turned creator of the Shonda Bradford Method, she developed her technique to bring a sense of elegance and poise to exercise. (She also has been training Trudie Styler for the past three years) “I’m not a fan of boot camp type workouts for women. I want women to feel sexy, confident and poised when they walk in a room. That‘s what I’m after, and from the feedback from my clients, that’s what they’re getting.” Bradford says.
They also get Bradford. She teaches all 22 classes a week. Some are on the “game-changing, super-machine” Garuda, an apparatus named after a shape-shifting mythological bird for a lengthening and strengthening private or semi-private workout. There are only four machines so that’s the max in a class. And then there’s the Trampoline Barre class.
“I didn’t create the trampoline, but I attached a barre to it so I can incorporate dance-inspired toning on top of the cardio.” And it’s surprisingly non-impact as the trampoline absorbs the bounce so you can do it in your bare feet or socks, or with bad knees as the case may be. And the best part? No one has fallen off the trampoline yet, so novices are welcome.
**The studio is located at 58 Gingerbread Lane in East Hampton. Visit for more details!