NEW KDHamptons Party Diary: Lily Kot's Halloween Bash!

Over the spooky weekend Doc and I threw a Halloween bash for his 14 year old daughter, Lily at the North Sea Community House in Southampton. Lily rounded up about 25 of her Pierson School pals who turned up as zombies, superheros, Red Sox players and more to dance and party the night away. Lily and her Super Woman bestie Chloe Collette Schindler helped turn the Community House into an amazing Hamptons Haunted House. Check out our fab photos from the super fun night:
KDH loves to plan parties and create decadent decor. Above is my sweet kid’s candy bar stocked full with Twizzlers, Smartees, M&M’s, Milk Duds, Peeps & more!
How adorable and delicious are these ghost cupcakes I had made by the Blue Duck Bakery in Southampton! We also had chocolate ghosts and pumpkin muffins.
I filled pumpkin cups with popcorn for the kids to snack on, glowing skulls and baskets of skeleton sunglasses.
Doc came as Maverick from Top Gun and I was the Little Red Riding Hood of the Hamptons.
Andrew & Alex were in great moods considering their faces were falling off…
We ordered fifty helium balloons from the Whalebone in Sag Harbor.
Captain America’s daughter and Maverick greet a ghoul at the front door of the Community House.
We ordered mini Bug Burgers, fries, Grandma’s Pizza, and veggie bites from The Deli Counter in Southampton.
Kids filled bags from the Cauldron of Candy, and I passed fries out in orange pumpkin cups from Oriental Trading Company. What a fun night!