NEW KDHamptons Party Pix: StonyBrook Southampton Hospital's 61st. Summer Party Kickoff
Jean Shafiroff and Martin Shafiroff photo by K. Doran for Rob Rich/ ©2019 516-676-3939

The Stony Brook Southampton Hospital is without a doubt the most important entity of support in the Hamptons. The hospital held a kick-off cocktail reception for the 61st annual Summer Party on Saturday, June 29, at the home of Martin and Jean Shafiroff. The summer party is held to benefit the Jenny & John Paulson Emergency Department and the hospital’s summer party will be held on Saturday, August 3. Dedicated to supporting the hospital, Jean Shafiroff has chaired the Hospital Gala in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Lora Lafaro and Cindy Willis are gala Co-chairs. Honorary Chairs are Georgina Bloomberg, Fiona and Stanley Druckenmiller. Jane Lowey is Auction Chair. The Shafiroff’s lawn in the estate section of Southampton, with its beautiful glass enclosed lap pool, is the perfect place to entertain their causes.
Thanks to support like this, Chief Administrative Officer Robert Chaloner told the audience that “The Hospital’s financials have never looked better.” Chaloner said, “We’ve partnered with Stony Brook, giving us new doctors. Our new Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) Lab opened a little more than a year ago and we’ve done more than 500 procedures. We’ve saved people that would not be alive today that live as far out as Montauk. The Phillips Family Cancer Center opened in May on County Rd 39. If you go to the Porsche dealer, don’t buy a Porsche — or buy one and then look across the street — you will see our beautiful Cancer Center. It’s the first in the Hamptons, with radiation in the ground floor, and medical oncology on the second. Currently, the board is actively involved in planning two major projects. We finished the strategic planning for the new hospital building. And we’ve begun the planning and the architectural design work for the satellite emergency room in East Hamptons so we can expand our reach much more effectively.”..”We’ll be starting the architecture selection for the new hospital in the next months. So, the quality of the hospital just keeps better,” he added. ”
ALL photos in this feature by Doran for Rob Rich/

Jean Shafiroff, Anne Grim, Andrea Greeven Douzet and Cindy Willis
—by Willa O’Connor