Pan-Cooked Giant shrimp with snow peas, peas, and lima beans
From the kitchen of Jamie Oliver and his cookbook: Jamie's Kitchen

Pan-Cooked Giant shrimp with snow peas, peas, and lima beans

[ingredients]olive oil

12 large shrimp, peeled and butterflied
1-2 fresh red chillies, finely sliced
a bunch of spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
4 large handfuls of snow peas or sugar snap peas
4 large handfulls of shelled peas
2 14oz cans of lima beans or cannellini beans
1lb ripe mixed tomatoes, chopped
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
a large handful of fresh flat-leaf parslet
juice of 1-2 lemons[/ingredients]

[instructions]Get yourself a large panella or casserole pan, wok or sturdy roasting pan. Put it on the stovetop and get it nice and hot. Pour in 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil, let it heat up and immediately add your shrimp. Allow them to color on one side and then turn them over, sprinkling them first with the chili, then with the spring onions. Add the snow peas and peas to the pan, give it a shake, then add a splash of water, put a lid (or some aluminum foil) on top and let everything steam for a minute.
Remove the lid (or foil) and add the lima beans and tomatoes. Give it all a stir, simmer for a couple of minutes until softened, then correct the seasoning, throw in your chopped parsley and add lemon juice to taste. Serve in the middle of the table – wonderful with rice, couscous or simply on bits of grilled bread.[/instructions]