Ron Wendt
Occupation: Event and Garden Designer
Current Residence: Bridgehampton

KDHamptons: How long have you been coming to the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much? Do you come out all year round?
Ron Wendt: Twenty years! I always love living near the ocean. We love to be here all year round. A weekly return to nature keeps me in touch with the botanical world.
Each season has something special to offer. There is never a time when I am not in awe of the light. I love that off-season time of year when the roads are quiet and the local restaurants are manageable.
KDH: Describe your Hamptons home, and decorating style?
RW: Basilwood is designed with Historic influence but with modern touches. The interior paint colors are inspired by the colors of the sky, water and trees, all that surrounds the property. Our goal is to make it calm, comfortable and welcoming.
KDH: Describe your perfect day in detail…
RW: Have coffee downstairs, catch up on my favorite magazine, UK’s Country Life, walk through the garden looking for things needing to be tended to, go to local nurseries to find the perfect solution, head to the beach for lunch, return to garden in the late afternoon, then set the table with flowers or something special from the garden and prepare dinner for close friends.
KDH: What is the greatest part about your job? If you could snap your fingers and instantly have another career~ what would be your dream job?
RW: The most rewarding part of work is creating a memorable event for my clients. I love bringing to life the endless possibilities of that perfect moment that I try to create.
I already have my dream job, but if it were a different time period, my dream job would be combine both my interests as a garden designer maybe to Louis XIV and create grand fetes in each of the fantasy bouquet gardens such as Chanel recently did for its Resort Collection. See it on YouTube … Really beautiful!
KDH: What is your favorite restaurant, what is the dish and drink you get every time?
RW: Estia’s Little Kitchen – Chicken Quesadillas and local Rose wine!
KDH: What are some of your most memorable Hamptons Events?
RW: Last summer we created a very cool poolside event for a family moving to the UK. The family’s tennis court hosted an elegantly decorated tent in a casual but chic modern black and white theme [below left].
Another great party was dinner on the ocean in East Hampton, where the theme was Golden Nature. Escort cards were presented on a table covered in 24 carat painted pebbles and Parsons dinner tables were fashioned of gold faux snakeskin [below left] while gold faux crocodile vases hosted exotic orchids, while guests danced under hanging gold disks under a natural canvas tent canopy.
KDH: We hear you are transforming LongHouse Reserve, the sculpture park and art center in East Hampton, into a wedding venue for one lucky couple. Will you play off the natural elements or the art?
RW: LongHouse is the perfect setting for a Hampton’s wedding. I feel so fortunate to do the only wedding allowed there this year. The ceremony will take full advantage of the Hornbeam Allee with the de Kooning sculpture at the back of the aisle … Who could ask for more?

KDH: Which is your favorite season in the Hamptons and why?
RW: I love it out here all year, but… there’s that magical time in late September. The days are warm. The countryside is in full blush. The sun is low and amber in the evenings, the cricket’s sing and the night’s are cool. I can’t soak it up enough!
KDH: If you could have anyone at your Hamptons dinner party (dead or alive) who would you invite?
RW: Edie Beale!
KDH: How do you “do-it-all” ? Share a couple tips for busy reader?
RW: Take time to laugh … often!