Scott Orenstein
Occupation: Founder and President, www.brendaandeddie.com
Current Residence: East Hampton

KDHamptons: How long have you been coming to the Hamptons? Why do you love it so much?
Scott Orenstein: My wife, Margie, has been summering here her whole life. In fact my mother-in-law went into labor unexpectedly, and Margie ended up being born at Southampton Hospital. As a Jersey boy, I was new to the area when she first brought me out about 23 years ago, but now it feels like home for us and our 22 year old, Dylan. I really think this is the most beautiful spot in the world. The light and sky are magnificent. And you can make it whatever you want it to be- a quiet simple place where you spend time alone with family and friends or you can engage in the larger social and cultural scene enjoying the Parish Art Museum, Guild Hall, Bay Street Theater and the many charity related events. You are surrounded by the best local produce, a pristine shoreline, great places to shop, eat and exercise. It feeds your mind, your body and your soul. What more could anyone want?
KDHamptons: Please describe what you do as a career for our readers?
Scott: I’m the founder and president of www.brendaandeddie.com, a British inspired t-shirt company with Rock-n-Roll influences. As a former president of the GHBass division of PVH, I have an extensive background in retail and brand building, including stints at Lord & Taylor, Geoffrey Beene, and currently at Great Oaks Venture Capital. I started Brenda and Eddie because I love t-shirts and I love music. I love every element of t-shirt design from start to finish; the creativity, the distribution, and the ability to express yourself through fashion. And more importantly, I have a passionate history of service to my community. At Brenda and Eddie we capture the current excitement for vintage related fashion and make it fresh through the lens of modern trends such as graffiti, collage and burn outs. My job is to see that we deliver an amazing, well-crafted, comfortable product, provide an outstanding customer experience, and help engage and support our community through our Inspiration Nation philanthropy.
KDHamptons: Describe your perfect Hamptons day in detail?
Scott: Any day that I can spend out here is a perfect day. I like to get up early and take a class at Love Yoga in Montauk. The morning drive along the water is so peaceful and a great way for me to get centered even before I utter my first “Om”. On the way back, I usually stop at Twice Upon a Bagel and pick up breakfast for everyone who’s still sound asleep at home. We are a family of three, but we always have a big group of our extended family and son’s friends around. Everyone is welcome. My wife and I say that the only way to know how many we’ll be for breakfast is to count the shoes by the front door in the morning. After breakfast I read the papers and get caught up on a few hours of work. Lunch is dosas at the Hampton Chutney Company (the best and we can’t wait for them to open on the Upper East Side). The afternoon is spent swimming and playing basketball, tennis or corn throw on the lawn with our son and his friends. Dinner is a great meal at Tutto IL Giorno, or a relaxed dinner either at our home or at a friends. The night ends on the patio with a fire going and a glass of rosé.
KDHamptons: What Inspired you to partner with 3x Olympic Gold Medalist Heather Mitts for this philanthropic effort?
Scott: I’m a big believer in helping others and it was important to me that giving back was a part of brendaandeddie.com. Inspiration Nation is our way of highlighting inspirational people, helping them to raise money for their charities, and motivating others to get involved. Creating these limited edition tee shirts merges fashion and philanthropy. Heather Mitts is a great champion, mother, and businesswoman. She was looking for ways to help raise money and awareness for her friend and teammate, Jillian Loyden’s foundation. I met Heather through mutual friends and was impressed with her drive and commitment. Through Heather, I learned the story behind the JL Foundation and their work on behalf of children. That, along with Heather’s casual, confident, fashion style seemed a perfect fit for Brenda and Eddie.
KDHamptons: What charity does the effort benefit?
Scott: The Jillian Loyden Foundation, which supports programs and activities that motivate young people by empowering them and helping them find value in themselves as they face life’s challenges. The JL Foundation’s focus is on aiding young people who fall victim to unfortunate circumstances, while simultaneously developing solutions to the major social problems that are the cause.