September 11th: Our Heroes & Victims Will Never Be Forgotten...

Like every American, and New Yorker, I vividly remember the details of the morning of September 11th. Another shared feeling we all seem to have is that I can’t believe that ten years has passed since the devastating attack. I lived in NYC at the time with my sister Kim, and my Yorkie Ted, on East 20th street. We spent the entire day and night glued to the news, calling to find our friends, and climbing up on the roof of our building intermittently to stare at the black cloud of smoke filling the sky further downtown.
With the President purposefully kept out of sight for his safety most of that day, our indomitable mayor, Rudy Giuliani, became the voice of America. Time magazine writer, Eric Pooley, wrote: “Every time he spoke millions of people felt a little better. His words were full of grief and iron, inspiring New York to inspire the nation. ‘Tomorrow New York is going to be here.’ Rudy went on to say, “And we’re going to rebuild, and we’re going to be stronger than we were before…I want the people of New York to be an example to the rest of the country, and the rest of the world, that terrorism can’t stop us.'”
Those words still resonate today.
I hope everyone will take a moment to pray for all of the people we senselessly lost on September 11th and be grateful for the heroes who risked their lives to save our own.
Lastly, below are two tributes that I would like to share with KDH readers.
1. Click below to watch this dramatic video tribute for Alan Jackson’s song “Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning” for the heroes and victims of September 11th:
2. Time Magazine has put together an incredible portfolio to honor the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, “TIME revisited the people who led us, moved us and inspired us, from the morning of the attacks through the tumultuous decade that followed. These astonishing testimonies — from 40 men and women including George W. Bush, Tom Brokaw, General David Petraeus, Valerie Plame Wilson, Black Hawk helicopter pilot Tammy Duckworth, and the heroic first responders of Ground Zero — define what it means to meet adversity, and then overcome it.”
Click or paste the link below to view this incredible portfolio:
[KDH apologizes that we don’t have accurate photo credits for the images displayed as they were pulled from various news sites]